Saturday, 1 March 2014

Day 1

Bistek Tagalog. Onions not sauteed yet!


Day 1:  Begins in Adelaide, boarding my flight to Sydney, filled with anticipation and nerves. I have a big day ahead and although I am so excited to fly business class (and to see Jun….) I am nervous about the life that lies ahead with cultural differences, saying and doing the right thing but most of all, will I like the food?
I arrive in Manila after my QANTAS business class flight (not as fancy as I’d imagined, I think I have been too spoiled…), scoot through immigration and customs and within 20 minutes I am out of the building, looking for the spot for last names beginning with “HIJKLM” so Jun knows where to come meet me after he sees me from on the first floor in the building across the way. After 2.5 months it feels like no time has passed since we have seen each other and I am already feeling at ease.

We take off out of the airport and in to the hectic streets of Pasay, Manila.  I am greeted with some interesting sights, such as Jeepneys…. They are a form of public transportation, kind of like a small bus. These Jeepneys are actually jeeps from World War II which were left here by the Americans and have been “blinged up” with colourful paintwork and stainless steel, very hippy like.  Very different to the original jeeps….  People cram inside on the benches in the back and if it’s full, no problem, 2 guys are hanging on the back! (Or 3! Or 4!)

It’s interesting being in a country where you are the minority. Pulled up next to a Jeepney there is a girl staring at me and when we stop again there are 2 young girls in a van waving at me excitedly.  It’s weird being noticed for looking different and not just blending in with the crowd. (“Now try to blend in…”  Brownie points for those who know where that quote comes from!)

We arrive at Jun’s house after passing through two separate security checkpoints as we enter the subdivisions. I am nervous to meet his parents but they are lovely and make me feel welcome.  I chat to them as Jun prepares dinner, Bistek (Beef Steak) Tagalog, one of my most favourite things to eat on the ship! (It is marinated steak with sautéed Spanish Onion and served with rice)  After some time, I ask if Jun is in the kitchen and I go to see how he is doing.  Once in the kitchen I am confused, he is not in there.  His Dad tells me “he is in the Dirty Kitchen”.  He is in the what? I keep walking and find him cooking in what looks like a thin corridor running off a courtyard from the actual kitchen. As is turns out, Filipinos have 2 kitchens… one for show, once for cooking. I am still wrapping my head around this concept however I am quite sure now that my Mum knows about this, she will soon be building a kitchen for me to cook in so I don’t mess up her nice one! 

Let the adventure begin!

(Will post pics soon, once I have them on my computer...)

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